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A woman goes into her lawyers office requesting a divorce.  He is
taking all of her background information and asks her, "Do you have
grounds for a divorce?"

To which she replies, "Well, we have three acres."

"No, ma'am.  What I mean is, does he beat you up?" asks the attorney.

"No, I get up around 6:30 and he sleeps until 7:00," she responds.

Feeling a little frustrated the attorney asks, "Lady, tell me, do you
have a grudge?"

Looking very confident she states, "No, we have a carport."

At this point the lawyer has lost his patience and asks, "Look, Lady.
Why the hell do you want a divorce?"

"Because he can't hold an intelligent conversation!"

Donald R. Swartz
Copyright © 1998 by The Don Swartz Network
Revised: 09 Oct 1999 00:16:52 -0400.