the Publisher
Emerging from the South
American wilderness after adventures related in The Incredible Voyage,
Tristan Jones finally makes it home to Britain to find his vessel, the
tiny, nearly indestructible Sea Dart, impounded by customs officials
because he cannot pay the 'import' tax. In his quest for the means to
liberate his boat, he takes any work he can get: stoking the boilers at
Harrod's, regaling TV talkshow viewers with wild stories, and in New York
skippering one-day 'around the lighthouse' cruises. Finally Sea Dart is
the star of an Explorers Club dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria, then goes on
to 'sail' for three days triumphantly through the streets of New York.
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Copyright © 2001
- 2003
by Donald R. Swartz
All rights reserved.
Reproduction of these materials in any form is forbidden without the
of the contributing authors or sources. |