"WAYWARD SAILOR, in search of the real Tristan Jones" Anthony
Dalton's biography of Tristan Jones has been released in hardcover
through all International Marine/McGraw-Hill's offices worldwide
on May 1st 2003.
ISBN 0071402519
$24.95 336 pages with 4 maps and 42 B & W
Order NOW!

Tony tells me that he has Tristan's logbooks from the two
vessels involved in The Incredible Voyage - the logs of the yawl
Barbara, and the little cutter Sea Dart. For many years both
were thought to have been lost. Laurel Wagers, who wrote
Sailing Among The Stars, the story of Sea Dart, was unable to locate
that logbook. Anthony has collected them both, on loan for research
purposes only, from a safe haven in the United Kingdom. They both tell magnificent stories, if not exactly
what Tristan wrote in The Incredible Voyage!
This is a MUST READ
for all Tristan Jones fans!
Read a review of the book here
the latest information visit Anthony's website at www.anthonydalton.com
Copyright © 2001
- 2003
by Donald R. Swartz
All rights reserved.
Reproduction of these materials in any form is forbidden without the
of the contributing authors or sources. |