The following photos were scanned from the now defunct magazine,
Australian Seacraft and sent in by Eric Jones of Auckland, New Zealand
Sea Dart
General view of Sea Dart’s galley showing gimballed
kerosene stove and netting safeguarding storage bins.
Sea Dart’s main cabin is for people. The
author is seen at work on this article. Tell tale compass is on bulkhead
to starboard forward. The picture on the bulkhead is of the East Indiaman
Marrienne in the English Channel, and to port is a framed letter from ex-
Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie thanking the author for taking some Naval
Cadets sailing in the Red Sea in 1971. It is this setting which the author
believes is necessary for the soul.
Sea Dart ghosts along on a sea to herself -3000m above sea on Titicaca.
Beached at Taboga Island, Panama, in August 1973,
Sea Dart
shows her three keels, chine hull and faithful Johnson.
Self timer shot shows author alone on a big ocean as
he works Sea Dart closer to the west coast of South America
Copyright © 2001
- 2003
by Donald R. Swartz
All rights reserved.
Reproduction of these materials in any form is forbidden without the
of the contributing authors or sources. |