the Publisher
More adventures and
encounters a la Tristan Jones, including the delivery of a yacht from
Algiers to Marseilles with some unexpected machine-gun fire thrown in, and
a stormy night mercy mission transporting a battered English lady and
Senora Puig who gives birth at dawn.
This self-styled work of "fictionalized fact" - displaying the
author at his verbal richest - is a paean to the misfits who found refuge
in Jones' company. Unforgettable characters, hilarious stories, true
Tristan Jones.
"Good dialogue and great Jonesian prose, so dense you can walk on it
and watch your tracks fill up with seawater." Kirkus Reviews
"The narrative, punctuated by sea chanteys and poetry, is brisk and
cheerful - even when bullets fly, we know this wayward sailor will escape.
Maritime jargon contributes to this spirited work's charm." Publishers
"It's irreverent, witty, inimitable Tristan Jones." Coastal
"Take a large pinch of salt with these imaginative anecdotes and
enjoy the antics of a professional quaysider with the ability to combine
the many facets of people he really meets to create outrageous 'fictional'
characters. This is not the world of white ducks and corporate
hospitality, but rather the scene of sunlit jetties and make-do and mend.
Perhaps most of us indulge in that style of boating, so Mr. Jones' yarns
will strike a sympathetic chord, for he catches the mood exactly." Cruising
"His characters are unforgettable and the stories hilarious. It makes
a good read." Sailing
This Book On-Line Here
Copyright © 2001
- 2003
by Donald R. Swartz
All rights reserved.
Reproduction of these materials in any form is forbidden without the
of the contributing authors or sources. |