the Publisher
Drawing on his many
adventures, Jones evokes memorable people and beautiful cruising grounds
in this collection of some of his finest stories. He gives advice on
everything from seamanship to dealing with local populations in remote
places. Not to be missed is the marvelous tale of the mystery of the MARY
CELESTE in the style of Conan Doyle, or "Breakdown", the
Conrad-inspired story of a troubled steamship. Other yarns include the
tale of an unlikely salvage operation in Ibiza, a strange rendezvous on
the coast of Africa, and a coincidental meeting with one of America's
greatest cruising sailors.
"The characters and capers, including a Sherlock Holmes-style
mystery, pour deliciously from the pen of this legendary adventurer."
Cruising World
"...a burning natural talent....his writings are a pleasure for any
lover of good writing as well as a brilliant collection of yarns about his
life, his sailing adventures, and his thoughts about man and the
sea." Lloyds List
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Copyright © 2001
- 2003
by Donald R. Swartz
All rights reserved.
Reproduction of these materials in any form is forbidden without the
of the contributing authors or sources. |